Massive Product Drop – NB Speaker Cables


Massive Product Drop

In amongst a lot of time working on the release of our speaker kits, we haven't lost focus of where it all started with NBSC, speaker cables! Today, we're happy to drop a whole heap more putting a twist on some old favourites, a new flagship speaker cable and a much requested interconnect.

Kingpin: The new mob leader! Just when you thought 11 AWG was overkill, we beefed things up further with an 8 AWG speaker cable. With nearly twice the cross sectional diameter of wire and nearly half the resistance, we're sure this one will be popular with those that like to take things a little too far!

OMDO (Old Man Dr Octopus): After months on side line, Dr Octopus is back but now a little more distinguished. It's great to be back offering a Bi-Wire/Bi-Amp option and we're stoked we've been able to source a equivalent wire, still made here in Australia.

Sidekick: Every Superhero needs a Sidekick! Quite simply another colour to choose from in our main 11 AWG range. We've made custom red speaker cables in the past and love how they come up so it made sense this is the next colour to release.

White Knight: You'll be the knight in shining white armour when you run yet another choice of colours on our 11 AWG range, white! High WAF as these cables near on disappear against your cream coloured walls... Or stand out like dogs balls against your dark home theatre walls!

The Greek Gymnast: By far the most requested 'custom' cable we do. So much so, we've added it to our regular range. The XLR to RCA cable! These have a heap of uses where regular XLR/XLR or RCA/RCA input/outputs aren't possible and like all our cables, run an Australian Made wire. 

With all our cables, every one of the above come in an equivalent 'Naked' version for those who are conscious of budget or not bothered about looks. 

Your continued support makes expanding our range possible, so to say thanks and celebrate the new releases, we're offering 10% off storewide for the remainder of May! Simply use the code "PRODUCTDROP10" at checkout and the discount will be applied.

Thanks again crew and happy listening!

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